Hana Tisserand
Operations Manager at Tisserand Institute
Website: Tisserand Institute
Tisserand Institute Instagram: @tisserandinstitute
Related Sense: Smell
Hana is the co-founder and director of operations and communications at the Tisserand Institute, the global leader in evidence-based essential oil education.
She oversees the creation of course content and curricula, moderates live webinars and teaches her own introductory classes. She has a unique perspective on how information about essential oils is sourced, processed and communicated, stemming from her past experience.
She was born in Prague, Czechia, and now lives in Southern California, and brings a strong background in French and English translation and interpretation that’s proven essential for the Tisserand Institute’s global student base.
She has been working at the Tisserand Institute for eight years, but her love for science, essential oils, perfumes and fragrances runs even deeper, as does her appreciation for fine teas and coffee.
Full Interview
Featured Segments
What is the Tisserand Institute?
Perfumery vs Aromatherapy and the Aromatherapy Revolution
Aromatherapy: Cautious Optimism and Healthy Skepticism
Defining Terms Surrounding Aromatherapy
Essential Oils: Chemical/Molecular vs. Human/Cultural Impact
The Importance of the Function of Smell
What is Anosmia and Why it Occurs
Olfactory Training
What is the Future of the Smell Industry?

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